I have an older house and its septic somewhat failed. Leach field pipes were not glued and they all disconnected immediately after d-box so that none was going into the field. These are also very weird ABS pipes sized as SDR35 pipe (modern ABS is much thicker wall and won't fit but PVC from HomeDepot does fit), it says DF256 UABS BNO 3624-130 on the pipe. The perforated pipe in the field also all flattened under the soild weight.
I am going to redo all this nonsense and am wondering what would be a good pipe to use in the septic field itself (after d-box). I was able to find some people use ADS 3000 triple wall HDPE pipe whereas others seem to suggest SDR35 PVC pipe (green ones). The local Home Depot sells those white perforated pipes but it seems their compression rating is about 46psi and I heard septic people on YouTube specifically saying not to use those from home depot. I also read that SCH40 pipe is NOT recommended underground due to cracks from expansion/contraction. On top of it I find some documents mentioning Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Tubing complying with ASTM F 405
I am not planning to drive over my septic field nor do I plan to put any concrete, but I don't want to dig it out again in few years so I don't mind throwing some additional money in to make it right. It's Vancouver area Canada in case it matters. Thank you!